I created this blog so that I could easily communicate and keep up with my family. This way you can let me know what's going on in your life as well.
Thursday, February 28, 2008
This is the man I had wished could have become our president. Maybe in 2012.
Hi Mom! I'm glad you decided to create a blog. Pink is a pretty color. Mitt seems like an ok guy, but I don't agree with him on a lot of the issues (well, two that I know of). But you and I don't see eye to eye on politics, so that probably makes him the perfect candidate for you.
Mom so good to see you have a blog! I must admit that I like mitt romney and thought he was the better candidate. Bloggin is great all you have to do is set it up and then it only needs upkeep once-in-awhile. Now we just need to get Angela a blog then the family is complete :)
Mom, I voted for Mitt Romney in the Utah primaries, but it did feel uncomfortable to register as a Republican. I've always been a staunch independent.
I'm pretty sure I wouldn't agree with all of Mitt's policies, but then I could say that about every politician. I really would like to investigate Clinton, Obama, and McCain. I highly doubt I'd be swayed by Clinton. Obama and McCain seem to have equal pros and cons for me now. What to do?????
Andy-I can't even keep my mail from piling up on me. When would I have time to start/maintain a blog. Here's the thing: I'm very supportive of all your blogs (when Delli makes me:)
I'm a short, 64 year old lady, who has had five children, and they're all on their own. I have 7 grandchildren, 6 grandsons, one granddaughter, and another granddaughter on the way. I am a very conservative person. I am the sort of person that always has to have her hands busy, doing handwork or sudoku or playing a game. I don't like to just sit or even to just sit and talk, but I like to be doing a few things at once.
Hi Mom! I'm glad you decided to create a blog. Pink is a pretty color. Mitt seems like an ok guy, but I don't agree with him on a lot of the issues (well, two that I know of). But you and I don't see eye to eye on politics, so that probably makes him the perfect candidate for you.
Mom so good to see you have a blog! I must admit that I like mitt romney and thought he was the better candidate.
Bloggin is great all you have to do is set it up and then it only needs upkeep once-in-awhile. Now we just need to get Angela a blog then the family is complete :)
Mom, I voted for Mitt Romney in the Utah primaries, but it did feel uncomfortable to register as a Republican. I've always been a staunch independent.
I'm pretty sure I wouldn't agree with all of Mitt's policies, but then I could say that about every politician. I really would like to investigate Clinton, Obama, and McCain. I highly doubt I'd be swayed by Clinton. Obama and McCain seem to have equal pros and cons for me now. What to do?????
Andy-I can't even keep my mail from piling up on me. When would I have time to start/maintain a blog. Here's the thing: I'm very supportive of all your blogs (when Delli makes me:)
Thanks for your support ang, at least you started using your own name to post things that makes it easier for me to know whos talking.
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