Thursday, February 28, 2008


This is the man I had wished could have become our president. Maybe in 2012.


Anonymous said...

Hi Mom! I'm glad you decided to create a blog. Pink is a pretty color. Mitt seems like an ok guy, but I don't agree with him on a lot of the issues (well, two that I know of). But you and I don't see eye to eye on politics, so that probably makes him the perfect candidate for you.

Andy said...

Mom so good to see you have a blog! I must admit that I like mitt romney and thought he was the better candidate.
Bloggin is great all you have to do is set it up and then it only needs upkeep once-in-awhile. Now we just need to get Angela a blog then the family is complete :)

Anonymous said...

Mom, I voted for Mitt Romney in the Utah primaries, but it did feel uncomfortable to register as a Republican. I've always been a staunch independent.

I'm pretty sure I wouldn't agree with all of Mitt's policies, but then I could say that about every politician. I really would like to investigate Clinton, Obama, and McCain. I highly doubt I'd be swayed by Clinton. Obama and McCain seem to have equal pros and cons for me now. What to do?????

Andy-I can't even keep my mail from piling up on me. When would I have time to start/maintain a blog. Here's the thing: I'm very supportive of all your blogs (when Delli makes me:)

Andy said...

Thanks for your support ang, at least you started using your own name to post things that makes it easier for me to know whos talking.