Cross Stitching is a craft that I have really enjoyed and find that I have improved with time.

I am doing King Tut for Dellitt on 18 count white aida cloth with the border on top and bottom.

This needle organizer is something I am thinking about buying. I also have my own idea of a
needle organizer : A hand towel : 16" by 24" sewing a 1 1/2" of clear plastic across the top, leaving the top open for the strip of paper with the numbers and symbols of the colors you are using for that particular project. You would add a 1/2" wide ribbon to the bottom and on the back side at the bottom for tying together to keep closed. Dellitt and I are going to make one today. We probably won't finish it toady but it's been fun buying the items to make it. I will add a picture of it later.

This is a lap frame that I like except I want the part that you sit on to go straight back so the part that comes up doesn't hinder or get in the way of your arms. The one I really like, costs about a hundred dollars and that is far too much without first trying it out.
Well, I love cross stitching, too. I think the King Tut you are making for me will be just stunning when it's done. I am going to have an Egyptian wall when I get my own place, and it will go there. I think it's a good idea for you to make the needle organizer, your version, that you can take with you and have all your different threads ready to go with a different needle. The only way you're going to get the lap stand that you want is to pay about a hundred bucks and get it from England. Once you realize this and accept it, you will be a happier person. You just need to forget that you are conservative when you order it. Much love, Dellitt
So i like this post it was very informational. Like that needle organizer is very cool and I wouldn't mind having one of my own except I don't cross stitch at all. Maybe I can get it for beth when she does her stuff. Do you have one of your own mom?
Really enjoyed you being at fhe yesterday can't wait to go to your place for the next one.
I like the sodoku puzzle and if you want to stave off alzheimers I suggest "big brain academy for the WII" it has lots of things that help you remember and works your brain.
Andy, Did you do the sodoku puzzle.
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